1998#001 - Garden centres – make better business decisions with better information
7 downloads125.08 KB
1997#012 - Managing Western Flower Thrips
6 downloads1.35 MB
1997#011 - Grubs in your pots - Are they weevils and what can you do about it
9 downloads348.65 KB
1997#010 - New hygiene protocols will reduce disease and save on control costs!
15 downloads47.37 KB
1997#009 - Silverleaf whitefly management of a new nursery pest
8 downloads174.62 KB
1997#008 - Water disinfestation – Chloro-bromination and ozone systems get the thumbs up!
10 downloads85.76 KB
1997#007 - Keeping pests out with screening
8 downloads84.39 KB
1997#006 - Controlling Botrytis (grey mould) in nurseries
10 downloads106.65 KB
1997#005 - A step-wise programme for practising IPM
12 downloads87.65 KB
1997#004 - Increasing efficiency in nursery dispatch
11 downloads141.46 KB
1997#003 - Chasing consistent disease suppression in potting media
9 downloads136.31 KB
1997#002 - Testing your potting media is being kind to your wallet
17 downloads360.84 KB
1997#001 - Benchmark study highlights labour and management shortfalls
10 downloads131.56 KB
1996#013 - Rid seeds of disease - give them a sauna!
13 downloads183.44 KB
1996#012 - Controlling downy mildew in nursery seedlings
9 downloads282.80 KB
1996#011 - Improving nitrogen management in woodwaste based potting mixes
11 downloads122.12 KB
1996#010 - Waterwork is working!
12 downloads84.10 KB
1996#009 - Reducing nutrient leaching from pots
11 downloads1.29 MB
1996#008 - Biological control of thrips, mites and other insects
8 downloads85.13 KB
1996#007 - Dynamic Pulse - a new method of propagating difficult cuttings
11 downloads844.12 KB